
Friday, November 25, 2011

Missouri - Blue Springs 50K (Part 2.)

Upon returning to Kansas City I immediately headed downtown. Although I frequently choose to participate in running races outside of larger cities, occasionally I appreciate visiting large cities. After shopping at Country Club Plaza downtown Kansas City, I retired to the hotel in Lee's Summit, Missouri. Before falling asleep I began to concoct the plans for the next morning. The race start was surprisingly difficult to locate. The confusion behind finding the start of the race was partially due to planning difficulties. I found out later that the race failed to gain the proper permits to operate and as such would be hosted as a "training session" of sorts. I arrived race morning at 6 A.M. only to find no organization at all. I soon realized that the race starting location was somewhere nearby, but this clearly wasn't it. I used my mobile phone to visit the website and noticed that I wasn't at the location that they had suggested. I quickly realized my mistake and found the starting location. I parked my car and headed to where the mass of people were located around. Sure enough this was the place to in a sense "register" but not technically. I was given a number and I placed that onto my race belt. Around 7 A.M. the race began, and while initially sore from the race the previous day I felt completely at ease. The race course for the 50 Kilometer portion is run to the north end of the trail then coming back through the start/finish line and then proceeding to the southern end of the trail and back. The race had evenly distributed aid stations furnished with typical ultra fare.

The race started out well with the sun just peeking over the horizon as the runners darted off. After running to my rental car to drop off my jacket the runners took off. I was not the only straggler and I soon found myself talking with a local. She was only doing the half marathon, and had to get back to take her son to a doctors appointment. After running with her for a couple miles I couldn't keep up and I bid her farewell. I soon found myself in the midst of many who started on time. After a few miles I needed to begin a run walk system. This system worked well throughout the race. As I continued on the miles ticked away one after another. Occasionally aid stations popped up and provided many nutritious treats such as oranges and bananas. At one such aid station early in the race I spoke to one runner who took off moments before I did, and while he only seemed to run a bit faster than I had been I was unable to catch up. Throughout the remainder of the race I made it a goal to catch up to him, and while I never did it kept my mind focused on a goal. Under an overpass, around and up the Little Blue Trace Trail.
Eventually I reached the north end of the trail and headed back towards the starting area. Upon which I used this convenience to replace my shirt and grab my camera for a photo opportunity. In a somewhat surprising manner this turned out to be my most competitive section of the run. Throughout this race I was stricken with the beauty of Missouri and the colors of fall, which is one thing California can't provide. As I made my way down the trail I began to increase the pace of my run to walk ratio. Mile after mile I would take encouragement from passing other runners. As I reached the first aid station the volunteer informed me of the additional out and back portion I would need to take. I descended a small hill and met up with a runner wearing Vibram five fingers. I made small talk with him for a while and he informed me that he was having trouble keeping down his water. I dispensed a little bit of wisdom and continued on. I soon reached the end of the trail. Due to a bit of confusion I continued forward into a corn field.

I soon suspected something was wrong and turned around, and headed around a half of a mile or so back to the course. I worked as hard as I could to return to my position and eventually caught up to the gentleman with the stomach issues. I soon reached the aid station where I needed to add the distance with an out and back section. I made an out and back and returned to the aid station. There I consumed some fruit and a cookie and prepared to make my way back to the finish line. I took off and moving as fast as possible managed to get to the finish. While I am not sure my exact time because of the circumstances, but I suspect I finished around 6 hours and 52 minutes or so. After finishing I made my way to the YMCA where I utilized the facilities and headed to the airport.

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